Monday, January 11, 2010

The Warmist View: Role of Media questionable in the Failure of Copenhagen Summit

The Failure of the Copenhagen Summit had a lot of reasons as per my earlier post Copenhagen Summit could not achieve…  and there had been a hell lot of other questions being asked by media and the other people around the Globe because of the failure of the Copenhagen Summit…
But can somebody really grill down and answer the below questions which should actually have taken the front seat to roll in the media and make it a successful event… 
    1) Did the media make sure that all the Countries have perfectly prepared their Mission Statement before they headed to Copenhagen summit?
    2)  Did the media highlighted as to what the denizens of the Planet Earth expect out of a Summit like this, where Top Brains from across the globe are gathering?
    3)  Did the media highlighted as to how can this be a successful Summit rather always looking into the loopholes as to who didn’t do what?
    4)  Why didn’t the Media highlight the challenges and the issues that this Summit have actually posed?

I typically wonder sometimes as to why this Media plays only a part of criticizing something which has already happened and why don’t they be pro-active and make people aware of what is expected and the measures to achieve it.
Media, I believe is the most powerful channel that we have which can change the face of the situation overtly…

-The Warmist

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sidharth,

    Well said, Media has great responsibility which it fails to exhibit in most of the cases.

